Happy Birthday, TET Estel!

Dear colleagues, partners, friends!
We sincerely congratulate you on the great date – the 150th anniversary of the foundation of our enterprise!
Few can be proud of such a history. TET Estel is a unique enterprise that has managed to preserve its historical and production value for 150 years. Its history is a difficult development path from the Main Railway Workshops to a unique electrical engineering enterprise, which is the undisputed leader in the development and production of innovative technics in Estonia.
For a century and a half, ESTEL factory has seen how the state system changed, empires collapsed, wars and revolutions raged. At the same time, all these years it remained an impeccably reliable enterprise, which, thanks to experience, knowledge and unique specialists, is able to stay ahead of time in any historical situation.
TET Estel celebrates its anniversary as a strong and promising manufacturing company, which can rightfully be proud of its economic performance, achievements and innovations. In these victories a huge role played people – managers of different levels, engineers and scientists, production workers – real professionals in their field. Therefore, this anniversary is twice significant.
There is something to celebrate, something to be proud of!
TET Estel Management Board